Boundaries, Offenses, Disobedience

All the offenses I committed to myself or others have been solely connected to my lack of boundaries, then leading me into disobedience. Follow me…

The first offense written in the Bible is found in Genesis 3. When the serpent tempts the woman in the garden. She falls for his craftiness and then gives some to her husband. But before the offense was made, a boundary is given in Genesis 2 verse 16-17: “you are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” 

Boundaries are limits or guidelines a person sets within their relationships that define what is safe, acceptable, and reasonable ways other people can behave around them. It also identifies how they will respond when a person crosses a line. The key thing to remember is that boundaries are building trust, safety and respect. While I understand our relationship with God is not like our earthly ones, the point is that God does require us to give certain boundaries to ourselves and others lest we forget what happens when we don’t abide by them. You die.

Okay, not literally but to be cut off from God is to die and that's what it means in verse 17. As we read throughout the verses Adam and now named wife Eve is casted out of the garden. Their disobedience set a line in the garden between man and God. Sin separated us and the curses placed on women and men took its toil. The fall of man shows us there have always been boundaries in place. That when these boundaries are crossed, an offense is taken and if we are not careful to turn back, we can continue to cultivate a disobedient generation. Boundaries are rooted in compassion and not necessarily in ultimatums. God gives His children good boundaries that help keep us safe where we can grow within our relationship with Him. So, why wouldn’t you give yourself boundaries as well?

I never looked at boundaries as a good thing. Or even grew up knowing how to set them. It wasn’t until this last relationship I saw how I wanted to be treated. How I deserve to be treated. How God wanted my relationships to be centered and found in Him. I made a lot of excuses for myself because I wanted it to be my way so badly. How close can I get to the fire without getting burned? How far can I cross the line without crossing the line? Like, how far is far if we love each other?! How far is far if we are going to get married anyway? How far is far if God knows my heart? Yes, He does! And it’s wicked! By the time I was ready to create my boundaries I had already given him access to my heart and now he was questioning my motives. The offense to God was done. I created the soul-tie. I had bruised my own ego while questioning if God still loved me. If I did not choose to let that relationship go it would be detrimental to the rest of my life. I heard a preacher say: what we do in moderation, our children will do in excess. Our sinful nature enhances everything. It is why God is so adamant about us protecting our hearts. Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Proverbs 4:23 Everything flows from the heart. How you lead, how you mother, how you’re a friend, daughter. It is the source of everything. The enemy is after our heart. If we do not set boundaries on such things that flow from our heart, too easy offense takes root. Where disobedience awaits our idleness. 

It is not easy to set boundaries. Especially with loved ones. Or even with ourselves. Lysa TerKeurst in her book Good Boundaries and Goodbyes states: Love can be unconditional but relational access should never be. God loves us so much but sin separates us from Him. What started with access to God and only one boundary being set ends with a lifeline of sin. As you continue to read throughout the Bible God’s love is always unconditional but access to Him becomes more restricted and conditional. I don’t want to drag this letter out anymore than I would like too but the core of understanding this on a Biblical level is to know our sin has caused this and we must properly guard our hearts. 

The day He casted out His first children, it nearly broke His heart and yet He had a plan all along! Take heart my friends!!! God wants to dine with us again, again, and again. Hold on to your faith.

When boundaries are crossed, an offense is taken and if we are not careful to turn back, we can continue to cultivate a disobedient generation. Boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they are a God idea.

I am writing you love letters from Hilo.
I pray you read this with hope and love. With joy and expectation— knowing Jesus loves you but more importantly He needs you to grow up— in your word reading, praying, believing, hoping, looking for His return.

All my love,


living with a broken heart


Grow Up.